That shed just outside our back door has been crammed with so much crapolla that we hardly can open the door. Today
WE (imagine the kicking and screaming) got ambitious and emptied it completely onto our back lawn. What a load of garbage! Sorting went quickly because we were in a purging mood (and purging meant we'd have less to take back into the shed once we were ready).
The car's trunk and back seat were piled high with sleds, hockey sticks (huh?), plastic Easter eggs, cables and cords, Christmas overkill decorations we rarely notice, a large turkey platter (unopened, of course), clothes and shoes, a untensil holder from an old dishwasher (don't ask), and skads of other useless treasures.
Now we are left with a half dozen empty plastic storage bins, 50+ soda bottles with water storage in them, 35+ cans of out-of-date food storage items, holiday decorations that we realistically use, and our camping gear.
We can enter the shed, turn about freely, and exit again without anything falling on us or needing to be beaten back into the darkness as we pull the door shut.
{aahhhh...big sigh}
Next up: tackle the inside of the house.
Tomorrow is another day.....