Conference Weekend is the best.
I always find talks that speak directly to me; challenge me to be better, do better; warn me to get my act together... I especially like the ones that don't pull punches. Like Brother Andersen.
You know, the ones who tell it like it is IN YOUR FACE and you better deal with it right quick! {cough..Oaks..cough}
Stone took AJ to priesthood session with his crew. Stone pays for dinner for AJ and they all hang out together as a group of guys before they go on to the broadcast at a local stake center. See, this is one of the things that I need the most and that I cannot do for myself. Thanks, Stone. More than you know.
CC and I went out to some stores during the time AJ was away. It's one of the things CC loves best--shopping. Truth be told, I am not a fan. I'd sooner do dishes than wander aimlessly through stores. But, it isn't always about me, now is it?
We took down the swamp cooler yesterday. The cold snap finally convinced me that it's over. No more warm days. Just cold and soon there will be windows to be scraped and driveways to be shoveled. I hate the snow. It's so invasive. Can't it just stay up on the mountains where it can do some good and stop torturing me down here? Please? The thought of driving in the stuff gives me palpatations! Seriously.
Break out the hot water bottles. To everything there is a season.
Know what? This post is absolutely hands down BORING. No kidding.
Avalanche Fanatic = JW!
JW had a birthday this week so I called down there. His wife H told me that he was out bowling on the first night of his new league! Good for you, JW. And, she said, it was time for hockey season to begin so JW was double-happy!! He's a good guy and really taking good care of his family. I miss being able to see JW, H, V&V and little Coco. Every time we've been to visit we've sat through hours of either hockey or Deep Space Nine but the best part has always been being with them.
That's how I feel about my sis LL too. Every time we've gone to visit them no matter where they live, we've had a wonderful time with them and really are sad to leave and go home. The last visit was a nice long one and we got to see the beach and some local theme parks and just hang out together. I always cry when we have to seperate.
I know, let me share with you the latest posting from my hater brother's FB: Naw. Never mind. It's just another rant about all of us mindless believers. Forget it. Nothing new.
What about a story of a man named Brady, who was living with three boys of his own... Naw.
Oh, hey. Here's something: I've lost about 10 pounds in the past 30 days. That's something, isn't it? Course, 10 pounds hardly shows when you have 10 times that to go. But it is progress, right? {work with me here, people...}
My cat hissed at AJ and at me today. Jerk. No treats for you!!!
Wow. That was different. Umm... okay. Well, I better go to bed. Conference again tomorrow. I'm already amping on what I'm going to make the kids to eat for supper. Why?
Forget what I said. It's rambling stuff that everybody has in their lives at one point or another. I'm okay and I'll pull out of it. I always do. It's just been a rough patch lately, I guess.
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