Sunday, March 21, 2010


Ok, so I had to watch this film to get some extra credit for a class. (Yeah, the class is that bad that I need extra credit!) It was such a predictable film, full of all of the angst a young woman has growing up in Iran. It didn't help that it was filmed in French either. The swearing was awful and ridiculous at the same time.

Who'd have thunk that making women wear veils and be subservient would be unpleasant? Islamic rule is scarey and mean. Oh? Being cheated on by someone you loves hurts. Really? Please. Depression can be hard. NO! Seriously?

I absolutely HATE this class. Not to mention the "instructor" and his angry little "TA". I had no interest in any part of the Middle East and this class has reinforced my dis-interest. Blechhh. But the beauty of it is: I get to take it all over again next semester cuz I'm gonna flunk it this time. Nice....

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