Monday, February 13, 2012

Nope? Cope!

That's right, folks.  They called Friday and said they were "going another way", whatever that means.  They paid a couple of compliments and I asked them to keep me in mind if anything else comes up.  They were nice and they were kind.

So, as I said, it is a test of my new "tape" in my head, to take no to mean nothing more than that.

Now,  on a different note, I taught Relief Society yesterday as a sub.  I had a friend of mine take a chunk of the time to talk about Joseph Smith's family background because I wanted to get the sisters to answer the question: Was it a natural thing for Joseph Smith to seek the Lord?  My friend MaryAnne has served two missions in Palmyra where she spent hours walking the Sacred Grove and other sights.  She is a great resource of the history of that family and really made the point I was hoping for.

It is an interesting thing to teach Relief Society.  The sisters mostly sat there staring at me, making a few comments as the need arose, and basically giving no indication as to whether they were even present.  Does that make sense?  Now, I realize that I am not the world's expert on teaching or on Joseph Smith.  But I did follow the Spirit as I prepared and presented the lesson from the manual.  I just wish I could tell whether I was reaching anyone.  You know?  And then again, it isn't clear what the audience dynamic is either.  The ladies were from all stages of knowledge (wisdom?) and experience which means the lesson had to meet a variety of needs.

Nevertheless, it went well and I learned a lot myself, which is the adage about the Gospel.  If you want a testimony of something - live it (teach it too) and you'll get it.  True 'dat!

So, gotta keep looking for work.

Gotta keep being okay with where I am.

Gotta keep on keepin' on.

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