Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I've noticed that one of my connections on FB is a hater. The object of his rage is always a believer, most especially a Christian believer.

What caught my particular attention was the consistency. Mr. FB can be counted on to attack any and all facets of Christianity at the drop of a hat. Why is that? Hmm?

When a Christian dies, he bashes.
When a Christian makes a mistake, he bashes.
When a Christian doesn't act, he bashes.
When a Christian speaks up, he bashes.
When a Christian doesn't speak, he bashes.

When something bad in the world occurs, he blames all of Christianity for it somehow.

Methinks that Mr. FB protests TOO much. It's called a conscience. Look into it.

This guy says the word Christian or Christ more than anyone I've ever met. But he mentions them with extreme hostility. As if he has personally been slighted and forever seeks an apology.

If he only had a clue who Christ is or even the slightest inkling of what the Savior has in mind for all of us, he'd be ashamed of himself. If Mr. FB only knew the Christ that I know, he could be happy and quit trying to prove himself to the minions and masses who have such a hold on his self-esteem.

Kinda pathetic. Mr. FB's style is to vomit his negative bile up and hope the world will happily lick it up and thank him for his wisdom. Ego, thy name is __________.

I'm looking forward to seeing Mr. FB's face when he steps through to the "other side". I'll be happy to see him and to give him a hug (mostly because he can't stand genuine sentiment). {And dear reader, you know you want to be there too!}

Isn't it fortunate for him and for all of us that the Savior is forgiving and loving, whether Mr. FB believes or doesn't believe? I take great comfort in that fact. FACT.

Bring a spare pair of shorts, my friend. You're gonna need 'em.

Time to put away the haterade and drink in the peace of truth.

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